About Me

Hello! I'm Lucía, but my family and friends call me Lucy.


I was born in Argentina where I lived with my family until I was 18 years old, with whom later emigrated to Chile.

In this country I initially graduated in Design, an area in which I worked long enough to feel unhappy, thus generating the need for profound change. This is how I made the decision to resign in order to travel and rediscover the cheerful and lively side that lost in those years. At first I only gave free rein to my intuition, but the well-being I felt was feeding the feeling that perhaps I was on the right path. My knowledge of Yoga acquired in Argentina was deepened in this way in India and Thailand, allowing me to become a teacher of Traditional Hatha Yoga. Since then, when I can, I keep traveling, discovering the world a little more and expanding my knowledge of Yoga and meditation, an activity that accompanies me permanently.


Along that path, I discovered my interest in nutrition and health, topics that were becoming more and more recurrent in the consideration of my problems and those of my acquaintances. That is why I decided to go deeper into these subjects at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York, United States, where I trained as a Health Coach.


At the age of eleven I decided to be a vegetarian, for me, a way of life in harmony with the environment. For some time now, as a result of repeated problems with indigestion, general malaise and hair loss, I made the decision to follow a vegan and gluten-free diet. This thanks to my knowledge in nutrition and health coaching, which served as a guide, to find what I was doing wrong and correct it.


In 2021 I moved from Chile to the Netherlands to live with my partner and my not so new pet "Perla" that I adopted in Chile. Since then I am working and continuing my activities in this country and remote for other people living away from me.

Sport has an important place in my life, I love training in the gym, swimming and practicing Yoga. I discovered surfing in Indonesia and since then I love it! I try to practice it when I can since, like any discipline, it requires a lot of practice to master.

I like photography that helps me capture the experiences of my travels, convey my impressions and treasure the faces of those I love. I enjoy nature and I love animals, I respect all forms of life contributing what I can to improve the environment.  

I am passionate about traveling mainly since I discovered my love for the knowledge of different cultures, with their people, customs, food, passions, etc... My trips are also meetings with friends and experiences that are part of a continuous learning that always helps to marvel at the sublime of nature and of life itself. Dissolve my own self in union with the universe itself.